
Symposium "Ethnomosaic. Contemporary Rural Cultural Heritage. 210th anniversary of Oskar Kolberg's birth"



14 marca 2024 r. w siedzibie Narodowego Instytutu Kultury i Dziedzictwa Wsi odbyło się Sympozjum zorganizowane przez Zespół Badań Etnograficznych. Wydarzenie miało na celu prezentację założeń projektu oraz utworzenie płaszczyzny do wymiany poglądów i prezentacji wyników pilotażowych badań w województwie podkarpackim.

The first part of the program included presentations by the Ethnographic Research Team, summarizing the meetings of the research team and the results produced in 2023:

  • Izabela Wolniak (Ethnomosaic Team Coordinator - NIKiDW): "Introduction to the Ethnomosaic project".
  • Dr. Katarzyna Ceklarz (Academy of Applied Sciences in Nowy Targ/Polish Folklore Society); "Ethnomosaics - Kolbergian inspirations in contemporary educational practice".
  • Małgorzata Jaszczołt (Head of Program Department - NIKiDW): "Research Methodology in the Ethnomosaic Project. Idea"
  • Dr. Arkadiusz Jełowicki (National Museum of Agriculture and Agro-Food Industry in Szreniawa): "Research, Archive, Publication - Ethnomosaics in Action".
  • Elżbieta Dudek - Młynarska (Ethnographic Museum in Rzeszów): "An account of research in the Podkarpackie province".

The second part of the program was occupied by a debate entitled. "How would Oskar Kolberg have researched the culture and heritage of the Polish countryside today?", which was moderated by Dr. Arkadiusz Jelowicki with the participation of invited representatives of scientific and ethnographic research centers in Poland. It was attended by:

  • Magdalena Lica-Kaczan - Skansen Osadnictwa Nadwiślańskie w Wiączeminie Polskim, Branch of the Mazovian Museum in Płock
  • Dr. Katarzyna Smyk, Prof. UMCS - Institute of Cultural Sciences, UMCS
  • Dr. Katarzyna Waszczyńska - Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology of the University of Warsaw
  • Dr. Filip Wróblewski - Polish Folklore Society

Symposium program:


The conference "Rural Tourism. Opportunities-Perspectives-Good Practices".



30 listopada 2023 r. w Narodowym Instytucie Kultury i Dziedzictwa Wsi odbyła się konferencja pt.: „Turystyka wiejska. Szanse- Perspektywy -Dobre praktyki”.

The purpose of the conference was to present the directions of development of rural tourism and to present good practices and projects that combine the cultural heritage of the countryside with tourism. The speakers included both professionals who deal with this field from the theoretical side, as well as people who are already implementing such activities.

Our aim was also to assess the potential of rural tourism in Poland, learn about the current needs of leisure organizers and creators of a tourism product based on rural heritage, and plan activities to support their work.

Conference Program

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"The Polish countryside over the centuries: from the loss of independence to World War I".



25 października 2023 r. Narodowy Instytut Kultury i Dziedzictwa Wsi zaprosił na konferencję „Wieś polska na przestrzeni wieków: od utraty niepodległości do I wojny światowej”

The Polish countryside and its inhabitants have been an object of interest to historians, ethnographers, sociologists and demographers for decades. The first fully scholarly works on its subject began to emerge in the 19th century, including Oskar Kolberg's Complete Works. Examples include monographs that came from the pen of the eminent Polish historian Franciszek Bujak. In recent years, multithreaded and multifaceted studies of the history of villages located within the borders of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth have again experienced a renaissance among Polish, but also increasingly foreign historians.

Narodowy Instytut Kultury i Dziedzictwa Wsi wychodząc naprzeciw społecznym oczekiwaniom postanowił utworzyć platformę konferencyjną do wymiany myśli i poglądów związanych z dziejami wsi oraz polskich chłopów. W tym celu planowana jest realizacja cyklu konferencji poświęconych „Wsi polskiej na przestrzeni wieków”. W tym roku inaugurujemy projekt koncentrując się na tematyce przekrojowej, ukazującej losy chłopów i ich wiejskiego otoczenia od utraty niepodległości do I wojny światowej.

Speakers at the conference included researchers from Poland and abroad, and their presentations focused on the following issues:

Session I Material culture of the countryside (residential houses, mansions, religious buildings, farm buildings, agricultural industry buildings, agricultural tools, etc.).

Session II Intangible culture (rites, rituals, customs, language in regional

and local variations, costumes, music, dance, songs, legends, fairy tales, traditions of neighborhood or community life, etc.).

Session III Ownership and demographic changes in the Polish countryside.

Session IV Agricultural production and rural cooperatives.


Conference Program:



The conference "Polish Peasants over the Centuries. The state of research and research perspectives"



W dniach 10-11 lipca 2023 r. w gmachu Narodowego Instytutu Kultury i Dziedzictwa Wsi  odbyła się konferencja „Chłopi polscy na przestrzeni wieków. Stan badań i perspektywy badawcze”.

In recent years, the discourse on the history of the Polish countryside, especially the social and economic relations prevailing there, has intensified, in view of the dissemination of many myths - The organizers, The National Institute of Culture and Rural Heritage and The Institute of History of the Vistula Academy of Finance and Business, organized a conference with the participation of experts in the history of the Polish countryside. Its purpose was to present a fairly complete and consistent with the current state of scientific research picture of the relations and transformations of the Polish countryside from the 10th to the early 21st century, from historical issues through ethnohistorical issues, to the narrative carried out by museums dealing with the history of the countryside.

Conference Program:


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